Often wisdom teeth do not have enough room to grow and in turn may cause crowding and pain in one’s mouth. This can easily be avoided with minimally invasive procedures.
Clearwater Dentistry
Clearwater Dentistry
Often wisdom teeth do not have enough room to grow and in turn may cause crowding and pain in one’s mouth. This can easily be avoided with minimally invasive procedures.
Extraction of a wisdom tooth is a common occurrence, as in most cases this last set of molars do not generally serve any function and often are responsible for causing pain and other oral problems.
Being the last set of molars, wisdom teeth often appears between the ages of 17-25 years. However, if you have a small mouth or your jaw does not have enough space to accommodate another set of molars, your wisdom tooth might become slanted due to the lack of space and start pushing at the adjacent molar to make more space for itself. Its thrusts at the gums and the adjacent tooth is what causes the unbearable pain that generally accompanies the appearance of a wisdom tooth.

• Stuck under the jawbone/gums – When your wisdom tooth starts pushing against your gums and are stuck under the jaw bone, you might experience sharp stabbing pains under your ear, around your jaw that slowly spreads to the entire head region, subsequently leading to severe headaches.
• Impaction – When your wisdom tooth doesn’t find enough space on your jawline and is facing difficulty pushing through your jawbone, it starts coming out with a slant at a wrong angle, which is not only harmful to the wisdom tooth, but also for the one adjacent to it as the pressure can lead it to crack and break, opening it up for cavities and decay.
• Leading to cavities and gum diseases – As mentioned in the point above, wisdom teeth increases the possibility of decay and gum disease. Also, since the teeth are located further inside the mouth, it makes it impossible for you to reach the area and clean and floss it regularly, increasing susceptibility to decay and infection.

Your dentist will examine the condition of your wisdom teeth and the teeth adjacent to it and ascertain how the procedure needs to be undertaken. They will recommend an oral surgeon who is equipped and experienced to carry out the procedure, skillfully. The surgeon might ask you about your general health conditions and any medication that you might be taking on a regular basis. You can ask your dentist any number of questions you might have regarding the procedure and also discuss the kind of anesthesia you feel comfortable with. There are generally three types of anesthesia used in wisdom teeth removal: local anesthesia, sedation anesthesia where the dentist will put you into a semi-conscious state via and IV in the arm as well as administer local anesthesia, and general anesthesia, where you are fully unconscious just as you would be in heart surgery.

The surgery takes around 45 minutes to an hour’s time. During the procedure, the surgeon will apply anesthesia which could be local, IV, or general. You will not feel anything during or even after the surgery, apart from the slight pressure that is applied to extract the tooth out. Since wisdom teeth are embedded deep inside the gum, the surgeon might need to cut the gum around the teeth to extract them comfortably. Since they do this with swift and experienced hands and with surgical precision, you have nothing to worry about. They complete the procedure by applying stitches to the area of cut and a cotton gauze to soak up the blood. The stitches dissolve in a few days, and the clots dry up, leading to quick healing.

You might want to ask someone to drive you home, set up childcare at home, and take a couple of days off work to help you heal comfortably. By following the instructions given by your dentist, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and taking your medicines on time, you can ensure quick recovery. If you experience pain or soreness after the surgery, don’t worry, this is quite normal. Your oral surgeon will more than likely have already prescribed a form of painkiller for you to take. Simply ensure you inform your dentist or oral surgeon of any new painkillers you take.
Using an icepack to help reduce the swelling may also provide relief from the pain. For at least 24 hours after the extraction, it is recommended that you eat soft foods, introducing solid foods as you heal. Additionally, drinking with a straw is not recommended as it may put undue pressure on the sensitive areas of your mouth.
Nothing is more important that choosing a dental clinic and oral surgeon that you feel comfortable with and can trust. At Clearwater Smiles Dentistry, Dr. Williams and his staff are constantly striving to provide the absolute best in state-of-the-art dentistry while maintaining a warm, caring and welcoming environment. Please feel free to walk-in and meet the staff so we can provide you with the best dentistry Clearwater has to offer!